Don’t miss important updates from your favorite Facebook Pages

Since the now famous Facebook IPO, there has been tremendous pressure on Facebook to provide consistent value in the forms of revenue streams. One of the most noticeable changes has been the implementation of the News Feed Algorithm that has had a significant impact on the percentage of posts we now view by both the businesses and friends that we follow.

Here are a couple of useful tools you can use to keep up to date with the pages you care about the most:

The “Pages Feed” option

Rather than only looking at your normal “News Feed”, now on the left hand side of your page, under “Pages” you’ll see a button titled “Pages Feed”. When you click this link, you will be able to view the current posts of all the businesses and organizations that you have “Liked” on Facebook. This provides a quick look allowing you to stay up to date on all activity posted by those organizations that matter to you the most.

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The “Get Notifications” and “Show in Newsfeed” options

In order to be notified regarding all posts for select Businesses, you need only visit the organizations Facebook home page. When you run your cursor over the “Liked” box, a drop down menu will appear that includes the option “Get Notifications”. By selecting the “Get Notifications” option, you will receive a notification of each item they post, which will show up in the masthead just to the left of the “Search” window. By selecting the “Show in Newsfeed” option, each post will show in your newsfeed as well.

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This option is also available for following your friends. The drop down menu is located by placing your cursor over the “Friends” button.

Keep in mind that we don’t own Facebook, so we need to adapt to the changes they implement if we wish to continue using their services. We’ll continue to follow any changes and keep you informed as they develop to help you maximize the benefit of using Social Media for business purposes.

Authored by Rick Hall, Business Development

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